telc - The European Language Certificates

MOCK EXAMINATION B1 telc Hungary English

The two main characteristic features of telc examinations are examination papers based on clearly formulated language tasks and standardised and objective marking criteria. These features apply to all English examinations covered by the telc programme. The Mock Examination presented here enables teachers and learners to simulate the precise conditions under which the telc English B1 examinations take place, both from the perspective of organising the test as well as from the point of view of the test materials. In this way, it is possible to fully prepare test takers for the examination. The Mock Examination can also be used for practice purposes and for general information.

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MOCK EXAMINATION B1 Telc Hungary English

A telc nyelvvizsgák két fő jellemzője az, hogy a vizsgafeladatsorok világosan megfogalmazott nyelvi feladatokból állnak, valamint, hogy a nyelvvizsgatesztek kiértékelése standardizált és objektív szempontok alapján történik. Ezek a jellemzők valamennyi telc nyelvvizsgára vonatkoznak.
The two main characteristic features of telc examinations are examination papers based on clearly formulated language tasks and standardised and objective marking criteria. These features apply to all English examinations covered by the telc programme. The Mock Examination presented here enables teachers and learners to simulate the precise conditions under which the telc English B1 examinations take place, both from the perspective of organising the test as well as from the point of view of the test materials. In this way, it is possible to fully prepare test takers for the examination. The Mock Examination can also be used for practice purposes and for general information.

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