telc - The European Language Certificates

Grammatiktraining Deutsch für B2

7 200 Ft

The Grammar Trainer Deutsch B2 provides a wealth of additional material for learners at CEFR proficiency level B2 who wish to improve their grammar and thus gain more confidence in spoken communication. The Grammar Trainer Deutsch B2 is suitable for either self-study or use in the classroom.

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The Grammar Trainer B2 focuses on all ofthe key grammar areas studied at the CEFR B2 level. It is designed to support learners in identifying and practicing only those areas of grammar that arerelevant to their individual needs. Each unit begins with an overview page, which presents each key grammar point clearly through rule explanation, tables,charts and example sentences. This allows students to first revise and consolidate their knowledge before completing the exercises in the pages that follow. All of the grammar exercises can be practiced at various levels of difficulty and are labeled accordingly. Learners are thus able to navigate through and independently select those grammar exercises that best match their individual language levels and needs. The Grammar Trainer B2 includes an extensive reference section listing important verbs and noun-verb compounds as well as the most frequently used verbs, nouns and adjective-preposition combinations. It also comes with an answer key for self-study.

The Grammar Trainer B2 is thus suitable for either self-study or use in the classroom. It is an especially useful supplement for language courses using Einfach besser! Deutsch für den Beruf B1·B2 as it revises and consolidates the key areas of grammar found in the coursebook through a rich variety of supplemental exercises covering language used in daily and professional settings. It also helps learners wishing to take the German for Professional Purposes examination after completion of the BAMF-Basismodul B2 gain more confidence.

telc gGmbH is a nonprofit organization that provides support to immigrants striving to build a new life in Germany.

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